Learning to Love

Stop settling for second best, you deserve all the love you ever imagined and I’d love to guide you along the path in the 3 month process Learning to Love.

Very often we fall into neglecting our own needs, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, because we don’t want to neglect the needs of others, be that family, work, holding space for others. Maybe we just get distracted by social media or world events. Or think we don’t have the time, money, or space to practice self care.

TL/DR How much is it? £8,888 (because I hate it when people don’t get to that point quickly ;) ). Scroll down for more information.

How much do you love yourself?

Have you fallen into neglecting you own needs? Maybe you have even forgotten what your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs are?

Sometimes we don't want to neglect the needs of others so desperately, be that family, work, holding space for others, that we put ourselves right at the bottom of the list.

Alternatively maybe you are just get distracted by social media or world events. Is that in an effort to forget your own thoughts and feelings?

Perhaps you have become conditioned through your life to believe you don't have the time, money, or space to practice self care?

For so many people it is a combination of all these that leads to a habit of self neglect, self doubt or a belief in being unworthy.

However, you are the person you spend the most time with, 24/7 in fact! You are also the person you listen to the most, again 24/7. So how much do you love spending time with yourself? How kind are the words that you say to yourself?

For many of us growing up we may have been told not to think too highly of ourselves. Expressions like 'Pride comes before a fall', 'don't get too big for your boots', and 'she's so full of herself' may have been thrown around. These words get into our mind, even when we don't realise it. Over time it is easy for the many times we hear these words, even when not aimed at us specifically, to put blocks in place so that they are not said about us.

It's possible that even with these blocks in place you still go on to feel amazing about yourself and to live a life full of love, treating yourself well, and following your passion.

But what if that's not the case?

I want to tell you that I see you!

I see you feeling so rubbish about yourself that you curl up in the corner with a bar of chocolate or bottle of wine, hating every mouthful, hating yourself for not having any self control, wishing you could be different.

I see you watching everyone else's lives seem so much more full than yours, while you struggle to do every day tasks like take a shower or eat some fruit.

I see you giving all of your heart and soul to your children and family, but feeling more and more empty inside.

You do not have to do this! You do not have to put everyone else first and feel your life is falling apart!

There are ways to come to loving yourself, nurturing your soul and finding joy. Better yet there are ways to do that and still give your offspring, your partner, your livelihood so much love too!

I know you love them all, and I know you don't want to stop taking care of them, but you don't want to keep resenting them too!

What is Learning to Love?

Learning to Love is a 3 month 1-1 guidance process.

  • If you have ever felt you need more love then I will be there to guide you along the way.

  • You will get full support from me to find little ways every day to love yourself.

  • It is holistic help to show you that you are deserving, worthy and allowed to be loved for ALL of who you are.

  • As well as 3 months of 1:1 support from me you receive a lifetime discount to all my other support services.

  • Learning to Love is for you if you are a person who is full of compassion for those around you, yet struggle to find time for yourself.

  • If you find yourself giving and giving of so much of yourself to them, and getting little in return.

  • If you know you deserve and want more in your life, but have become stuck finding your way alone.

Love isn't something you earn. Love is something you give yourself first and foremost so that others around you see your deservingness for themselves.

Who is it for?

Book a learning to love discovery call

Learning to love yourself is the key to changing everything.

❤️ It is the key to having the relationship you long for be that with a current partner, or a new one.
🧡 It is the key to improving your relationships with your offspring or other family members.
💚 It is the key to coping with any challenges you face from the world around you.
💜 It is the key to finding your soul passion and purpose and creating a life around that.
🖤 It is the key to valuing yourself enough to grow your own self worth.

It all comes down to Learning to Love Yourself! 

❤️ Wholly
🧡 Fully
💚 Completely
💜 Unconditionally 

It's not about being appreciated more or accepted more by somebody else. 

It's not about finding love in somebody else. 

It's not about giving so much of yourself to your offspring or other family so they will love you more. 

It is about Learning to Love all of who You are, right Now. 

That is the key:
❤️ To finding more happiness.
🧡 To learning how to be free.
💚 To changing your emotional energy.
💜 To releasing fear, guilt, resentment and more. 

It all comes down to learning how to love yourself.

Once you have done that, once you have got that connection to yourself so Unconditionally, so Deeply, once you realise You Are Love, then Everything else comes to you;
❤️ Without effort.
🧡 Without fighting
💚 Without working hard for it.
💜 It just comes to you. 

It doesn't necessarily change instantly, although things can change near instantly to some degree, the minute you decide to love yourself more. However, within just 3 months you will have the tools you need to see your worth moment by moment. From there you will see progress every day.

Know that you are worthy!

It's time to learn how to truly Nurture You!

Some of these processes will have you digging deep and may feel uncomfortable. But I believe we only come to a place of true unconditional self love by uncovering those parts of us.

It is my intention that by the end of your 3 months with me you’ll be in so much more love with yourself that you can begin to live the life you have always desired.

Starting at the New Moon I will be taking 3 beautiful souls through this process. Due to the intensity and power of this process it is enrolled into via interview only. This enables me to get to know you first and ensure you will get the best from this process. 

Since it will empty you out and refill you energetically, not everyone is ready to dive so deep. Do not worry though if this process feels too much at this time. During our discovery call I will suggest other processes that may guide you to this place eventually.

To get all of this fantastic support, and I’m sure even more as my own inner work brings me more guidance to pass on, the energy exchange I ask is  £5,555. Payment plans are available too, so you can spread the cost if you need to.

3 months at £2,999
6 months at £1,544
12 months at £777

You can book a discovery call trough the link below and we can talk very soon. There is no obligation to join me for this process or any other.

Stop settling for second best, you deserve all the love you ever imagined and I’d love to guide you along the path with my 3 month process Learning to Love.

Book a learning to love discovery call

What do you get in Learning to Love?

You will get 3 months of self nurturing with full support from me.

  • There will be 2x weekly live video calls via zoom with me to discuss your journey and healing needs, plus any elixirs, oil blends or crystals created to support this.

  • You receive 1:1 support through the 30 day process Nurture Yourself, a process you can come back to time and again with your own personal Unconditional Love.

  • As well as this you will have unlimited access to me via Signal, to share your experiences and get even more support at any time!

  • Human Design coaching to get fully to grips with your unique Energetic Blueprint so you can learn to love your whole unique Self.

  • Access to the Quantum Energy Clearing Process at whatever level suits you.

  • There will be journaling, emotional clearing, holistic therapies and fun activities.

  • It is my intention that by the end of your 3 months with me you'll be in so much more love with yourself that you can begin to live the life you have always desired.