What support does Indigosky Holistic offer?

What services does Indigosky Holistic offer?

The next thing I thought it would be good to discuss is of course what various type of holistic therapy, support services and healing I offer here at Indigosky Holistic? If you have already checked out my booking link on the home page you may have seen a few options, and maybe even been a bit confused or overwhelmed by them?

I want to make it easy then, and I want to explain the benefits over the coming weeks of each service I offer, who it can be beneficial for and what it may help you with. As each of the coming weeks goes by too then, you will be able to jump from this summary post to the relevant blog for even more details of each service. The following services are in no particular order, They mainly follow the order in which you are likely to see them within my booking link.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping)

EFT, or tapping as it is often called, is a relatively gentle way to help move stuck emotions through your energy system. By addressing your emotions in this way, around anything from pain, to anxiety and worry, to why you can't get your house clean or pass a driving test, you can get to uncover deeper held feelings you maybe don't even realise are behind something. 

We store the energy of our emotions inside our bodies, our cells, our organs, and many of us do not give them a chance to be free or truly felt. When we verbalise the words around a situation and begin to give it a voice, while simultaneously tapping on acupressure points we help these emotions, this energy, to begin to move.

Find out more or book here.

Crystal Therapy

Crystals come from the earth around us, many buried deep underground for many years. We also come from the earth and hold the same elements and energy within our bodies. When we know the unique energy held within each type of crystal, of which there are thousands, we can begin to harness those energies to help us with our health and well-being.

There are various ways to use the crystal energy to support health and well-being. Obviously the most common one is using the stones themselves. Who doesn't love a pretty stone collection? However, a crystal therapist can also make elixirs or essences, creams or salves, which means knowing which stones are actually toxic if ingested, or which stones might not react well with water or other compounds.

Find out more or book here.


The use of fragrance and plants in healing has been around for millennia. Plants, flowers, herbs all hold medicinal properties that ease a huge range of health conditions, prevent them and in some case bring about complete healing. Aromatherapy is a true science and one of the first holistic therapies I both was interested in and chose to study for myself.

Aromatherapists need to know about the human body, the systems within the human body and understand the properties of the different plants that essential oils are extracted from. Aromatherapy is not to be taken lightly and I chose to study it so I could confidently share what essential oils help what and who as a Neal's Yard Consultant (you can visit my shop here). I think it is really important when advising on aromatherapy, essential oils and plants for health that a good knowledge of potential dangers and who they are not good for is vital.

Yes just because something is 'natural' does not make it safe for everyone and everything, and yes some essential oils can be lethal in the wrong dose, given to the wrong individual or for the wrong thing.

Find out more or book here.


Reiki is simply translated 'life force energy', which is the energy that animates us and keeps us alive. The practice of using reiki in healing is when a reiki healer, one who is either attuned from a master or who has learned the practice through intuition, uses this energy to guide them on how to support another individuals energy system. 

The energy system is running through our own body and is well understood in ancient medicine practices like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayudavedic medicine as well as many indigenous and native medicine practices around the world.

As an Usui and Holy Fire Reiki attuned practitioner I use this practice in much of what I do from EFT session to Quantum Healing and even in my talking support and aromatherapy. You will find more out in my separate blog on this published on October 12th 2022

Find out more or book here.

Energy Clearing

One of the most significant things I went through on my own healing was a process of clearing the energy of the emotions through the chakra system. This process awoke me to my healing nature, the passion I'd forgotten I had before becoming a mum and it's through this that I sit here now offering support to guide other to healing.

We are all energy and our emotions are energy in motion. The energy system I previously mentioned above stores these emotions through our lives. Through reiki and through my own intuitive guidance I have been supporting others for over a year now to clear emotions through 22 energy centres. I can either hold one off sessions on specific event or take you through the Quantum Energy Clearing Process for 6 months.

Find out more or book here.

Chakra Balancing

Our chakras are the energy centres that help move the flow of energy through our body. The word chakra is translated from sanskrit and basically means wheel. I see chakras as cogs that help the chi, ki or prana, the life force energy, move through the body,

Chakra balancing goes into these centres energetically, looks at the energy flowing through them and assists any blockages to be freed. I start with the 7 most know chakra, but then move into the 22 that I support people with most closely. Over a course of the 5 sessions I suggest you you have I can energetically free these centres up and bring you to a greater sense of clarity and peace.

Find out more or book here.


Massage is more than just a pampering practice. Massage helps both energy flow and lymph drain through the body. It can be used too in easing physical muscle tensions, bringing comfort in times of distress and to complement other types of treatment either from holistic doctors or medical doctors.

Find out more or book here.

Human Design

We are energy! We are made up of the same energy and elements of the earth and cosmos around us.

It isn't that far fetched then to think that at the moment we are born there is an energetic blueprint created. An energetic blueprint that can offer us guidance to live our lives to the highest benefit to us as individuals, and from this point innerstand how best to support those who come into our field of awareness throughout our life.

This is the idea behind Human Design. It is an energetic blueprint that with an innerstanding of you can find how best to utilise the energy within to live your best life, and be of the best support to others. Through a reading I support to learn how to best utalise your energy type to live your life with more peace, self expression and excitement.

Find out more or book here.


Kinesiology is exploring movement through the body and supporting in therapies of various kind to aid healing and well-being from this knowledge.

It is a practice understood in both modern medicine and in more older, holistic practices. The idea is that our muscles hold memory and know what makes us strong and weak.

While I am not yet qualified to practice kinesiology in any medical status I can use it along with many of my other therapies to assess your emotional state and what is making you physically weak or strong.

Find out more or book here.

Talking therapies

One of the primary ways I support people is through the art of listening while they talk. This is how I learn what long held stories, patterns and beliefs may be leading them to trauma responses, to physical conditions and to feeling like life is a struggle. 

One of the very first things I recommend anyone who wants to see me does is book a session I call Creative Life Support. This serves a couple of purposes. It allows the 2 of us to get to know each other in a more informal way and it allows me to find which of the support offerings I have may be best suited to them.

I have spent a long time unravelling my own traumatic past and have a wealth of experience both from my background in health care and my life experience as a woman, wife and mum. I offer CLS as a means to support people with family life, exploring home education, rewriting their mindset around creating a livelihood and so much more.

Find out more or book here.

Last but by no means least 

Most of these services can be done either online, virtually or via distance and you will find the relevant link in each section. However I also have the amazingly magical Indigosky Holistic Room at Soma Wellbeing Hub & Cafe in Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire. If you would like to find more about visiting me physically then pop over and visit the Soma website or drop me an email.


Happy Not Back to School!


What is an 'intuitive healer'?